If instead, the player turns him into a nearby guard, he will pitch a fit off-screen, and in his rage will slaughter the farmer and his wife. If they choose to help him and get the nearby farmer to fix the wheel, he will be eternally grateful. The player can find the jester Cicero on a quest to get his dear mother to her final resting place, but he has had a wagon wheel break in transit. RELATED: Skyrim: 5 Reason It's The Best Elder Scrolls Game (& 5 It's Morrowind) If it is started after joining, it will just cause some of the options to disappear but will add some different lines as Cicero realizes the player is a sibling. An optional quest taking place before the player is even initiated into Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood is Delayed Burial, though it can still be completed during the first two quests in the series.